Friday, June 13, 2008

Friday the 13th.

Sorry couldn't think of a blog title.

I finished exams yesterday. Hooray! This makes me a tad over the happy line, as I no longer have to do any study at all, well for a little while anyway.

But I have a question, who studies at the Caulfield campus of Monash?
-Because that's where some of my classes will be next semester. Yay?

I really didn't have a lot to post, but I felt like posting anyway. Just to keep up with it all.


B.C. said...


I had a doctor's appointment today and I must admit, when Mum said she was booking an appointment for today, I did think to myself, "Why the hell would you choose Friday 13th? He'll probably diagnose me with some rare form of monkey flu or pregnancy or something."

Kat Pham goes to Caulfield.

Kyla said...

Wow. I'm incredibly impressed with your intense amount of blogging. You have shamed me entirely, and I am searching for something worthy of being blogged about.

Haha. Monkey pregnancy.

Sarah. said...

monkey pregnancy... eww thats an ugly baby.

Kyla said...

I dunno.. I'd be interested to see what you get when you cross a monkey with Ben Chong.. I see a bad joke coming up!

B.C. said...

I would have presumed that monkey and Ben Chong were synonomous.